We are so excited about your interest in our spaces. Here are a few commonly asked questions.
How big are the studios?
Each studio is approximately 450 square feet and they both share a common entryway.
Can I move things around?
YES! In fact, we encourage this. All of the furniture and decor within the studio is designed to go well together. You can also remove any unwanted items and leave them in the entryway for the duration of your shoot/event.
Will there be other renters at the same time?
This happens often. Generally, there are renters in both Studio 1 and Studio 2 simultaneously. Each studio is separate and has it's own locked door to ensure privacy during your session. You are able, however, to book both studios during the same times if you would like both studios and entryway to yourself.
What needs to be done during my time?
The studio MUST be left the way you found it within your time booking. This includes furniture being placed back and cleaning of the studio - vacuuming, mopping, and mirror cleaning. Failure to do so will result in a cleaning fee.
How do I know what the studios will look like?
Check out our Instagram highlights to view the current setups.

Have additional questions? Feel free to reach out.